First Hive Inspection

I'm giddy! Despite my inexperience and all of the things I'm sure I did wrong....IT WORKED!

The girls are all getting along fantastic. You can see just by watching them work that the bees from the cutout  hive are so much happier now that they have a queen. They are coming and going constantly, even in the rain, working their little bee butts off.

This is the way we left it. The Bee Guy's deep super is on the bottom, the middle is the comb I saved from the cutout and the top is the super with some cutout honey sitting on wax paper to keep the girls fed:

I thought the majority of the hive would have moved down into the deep super with the queen but nope, they were hard at work fixing all of the damage to these combs. In some places they've already attached it to the top bar and have begun building new comb to fill in the gaps. It's fantastic:

And the frames in the deep:

Brood in all stages. The queen is happy, healthy and has stepped up production now that she has waaaay more helpers:

 Hallelujah! One of these days I might be able to call myself a beekeeper.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of hive is the cut out hive? Is it a specific style or is the squirrel nesting box turned bee hive?
