I'm a Beehaver

Let's start with what I do have:

-bees, obviously
-desire to become a beekeeper

And what I do not have:


So this blog is my journal as I try to go from Beehaver (a person who has bees but no idea what they are doing) to Beekeeper. I hope some other folks will come along and learn with me. It should be good for a few laughs at least.

So how is it that I have bees but no idea what to do with them? They moved in next door. Literally. This is the view from my front porch:

See that box? We built it hoping to attract squirrels to nest. No squirrels, but now that I've read up on bait hives used to attract swarms, I realize that's exactly what we have up there. And how is it that I have no idea what to do about that? Here is another, wider shot to show you my dilemma:

Still see that little box? Maybe you noticed that it's perpendicular with the power line. 
You should also know that I'm clumsy and accident-prone.

I'm reading everything I can get my hands on and the more I learn about these creatures the more fascinated I am.

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