Bee Pic- Shy Bee

I like photography. Am I any good at it? No, not really but that won't stop me from inflicting it on you here. *insert evil laugh*

I took a bunch of pictures of this poor bee as she went from flower to flower collecting from the clover. This one is my favorite because it looks like she is peeking out to watch me from behind the petal.

I wonder what she thought of me as I grunted getting down onto the ground and worming my way across the lawn as she moved to snap photos. You know, I'd have probably tried to hid from me too.

Does anyone else hate mowing their lawn? Not for the usual reasons. I mean because you are loathe to cut down all the clover, dandelions and other bee-friendly plants.

1 comment:

  1. Made a compromise with the freshly mowed lawn obsessed hubby. The very back of the lawn can go wild part of the summer and he can mow the front to his hearts content. I imagine I can stretch the 'part' of the summer deal to pretty much all year. I'm good like that.
